5 Important Steps before applying for the J1 Visa! The most important steps…
5 Important Steps before applying for the J1 Visa!
The most important steps before applying for the J1 Visa are: 1. Applying for and being accepted into an exchange visitor program; 2. Paying the SEVIS I-901 Fee after getting accepted; 3. Checking the validity of your passport; 4. Gathering all the required documents for the Visa and 5. Scheduling an interview with the Embassy/Consulate.
Why does the US have an increasing number of J1/J2 applicants?
The reason why so many Visa applicants apply yearly for the J1/J2 Visa in the US is because of the many benefits that it offers. Different from any type of Visa this Visa allows you to work while you finish your exchange program.
What is a J1 and J2 Visa?
The J1 Visa is a nonimmigrant temporary Visa issued for research academics, professors and exchange visitors engaging in programs that facilitate cultural exchange, especially in the United States to receive medical or business training. As for the J2 Visa, this type of Visa is for unmarried children under the age of 21 or the spouse that accompanies the J1 Visa holder during their stay. The J2 Visa holder stays with the J1 Visa holder until they both have to return home after their education program ends.
How many Exchange Visitor Visa holders are in the US?
Via the J1 Exchange Visitor Program each year, about 300,000 foreign tourists from 200 countries and territories come to the U.S. The highest number of exchange guests (35,000) is actually hosted by California, followed by New York (30,000) and Florida (15,000). J1 Visa holders mainly come from: China (40,000), Great Britain (20,000) and Germany (20,000).
Can J2 dependents get work permission?
Dependents of J-2 may apply for job permission from the USCIS as long as the employment is not intended to provide financial support to J-1. Processing by USCIS takes 3-5 months on average. To secure a work permit, it is not mandatory for a J-2 employee to demonstrate evidence of special skills!
What are the differences between a J1 and J2 Visa application?
The requirements are basically the same: a valid passport, SEVIS i-901 fee, insurance fee, the printed out DS-160 Form, the application fee receipt, a 2×2 photo of yourself, the DS-2019 Form, for the J1 Visa applicants the DS-7002 Form depending on which program they applied for and as for the J2 Visa the DS-7002 Form depending on which program their J1 Visa holder applied for, the I-94 document and the birth/marriage certificate.
Do you need Health Insurance as a J1/J2 Visa holder?
To enroll in their respective J1 visa programs, J1 visa holders and their dependents must have appropriate health insurance. Sponsors of the J visa program must ensure that program exchange visitors have insurance coverage that includes some minimum coverage and benefits that protect them for the duration of their exchange visitor program for illness or injuries. Insurance has to be effective during the program cycle of the J visa holder ‘s duration and remain in the United States.
Additional Requirements for the J1 Visa?
Even if you apply with all the required documentation in the embassy/consulate, they might ask you for additional documents. For Exchange Visitor Visa Applicants, they mainly request evidence of: the reason why you are traveling to the United States, the purpose of departing the U.S. after your trip and financial proof that you can pay all costs of the trip.